BestOn Apps - Radio FM and Online News Apps

Hknews - 香港新聞 - Hong Kong 3.6.3
香港報紙 is the application you need to keep always informed. Some ofthe newspapers you can find are:Alltop香港,am730,CNNGo闳空,南中国早报,大纪元时报,规范,信报财经新闻,公教报,大公报,太阳报,成报,文汇报,明报,星岛日报消息,东方日报,苹果日报,都市日报,头条日报,香港商报,香港商报,香港电台... Features : - Category filter. - Share your news with yourfriends. - Save it to favourites. - Quick search of any newspaper.Remember that this app is FREE.